A new shopping center is coming to Ocala and spaces are available for tenants who want to be a part of it.
Avison Young has the listing for the retail strip center, Paradise Park Plaza, that will be located at 2400 W Silver Springs Blvd. It will be two miles from the downtown area and one mile from Interstate 75.
The 75,000-square-foot center will be located on nine acres, is being leased at $18 per square foot and has spaces available ranging from 804 to 15,117 square feet. The property also includes designated restaurant spaces, out-parcels and built-to-suit opportunities, according to Avison Young.
So far, several businesses have agreed to become a part of the plaza. Those include Save-A-Lot, Cattle Dog Coffee Roasters, Bryant’s Pharmacy, Heart of Florida Health Center and Simply Elegant Event Center.
A demographics map provided by Avison Young, based on data from the 2010 Census, shows a population of 29,741 with three miles of the shopping center, with a median age of 36.6 There are 11,023 households with an average of 2.7 occupants each. The average household income is $45,805 and the average home value is $198,026.
Within a five-mile range, there are 70,542 residents with a median age of 39. There are 27,420 households with an average of 2.6 occupants each. The average household income is $53,521 and the average home value is $219,788.
Avison Young was founded in 1978 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada. The company operates in 20 countries with 120 offices and has 1,600 brokerage professionals and 5,000 total real estate professionals. It also has 290 million square feet of commercial property under management.