Charles Peter Taylor Sr.
Charles Peter Taylor, Sr.
Charles Peter Taylor Sr.
Charles Peter Taylor, Sr.

Charles Peter Taylor Sr. (Chuck) was 78 years old and resided in Ocala, Florida. He passed on Sunday, May 16th 2021 at 7:32 am at the E. W. & Lucille Cates Hospice House of cancer. He was born in New Brunswick, New Jersey to Elizabeth Taylor. He never met his father, but had siblings from that side of the family that reside in Kentucky.

Chuck was quite the jokester and didn’t take an interest in school. He dropped out to serve in the armed forces and joined the United States Navy. He was proud of his time served.

He is survived by several children: Charles Peter Taylor Jr. of New Jersey, Jacqueline Denski of Terryville, Connecticut and Sherry Loria of Ocala, Florida.

He married the love of his life, Janice Taylor, in 2017 on June 6th. It took him 71 years to find true love and he cherished every moment with her.

He enjoyed watching movies, Nascar and fishing with his grandson Logan McGee of Ocala, Florida. He was a horseshoe champion and took the 1st place trophy for his league for 2021. He loved to sing and play his guitar and his favorite music artist was Elvis. On Saturday evenings he would play Mexican Train Dominoes with his wife Janice Taylor, son-in-law Carlos Luis Loria Jr., and his daughter Sherry Loria. His dream was to live in Florida and in November of 2019 he left New Jersey to do just that. He recently became a part of the American Legion Post 284.

His Celebration of Life will be at the Oak Bend Clubhouse, Saturday, May 29th 2021 from 11am-1pm. (Luke 23:42-43) 42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom. ” 43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”