Ambleside School of Ocala is seeking approval for second floor renovations to increase social distancing inside the school.
During the regular Marion County Board of County Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, November 16, the commissioners will vote on whether to approve funding for renovations to Ambleside School’s second floor.
The school feels that the renovations would lead to increased social distancing and would help prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
Back on May 18, the commissioners approved a substantial amendment to the Five Year Consolidated Plan and the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Action Plan, as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
This amendment established the Community Development Block Grant – Coronavirus. The funding that the school is requesting would come from this grant.
If approved on Tuesday, the school would receive funds not to exceed $385,000, and those funds would be applied toward the requested renovations.
Ambleside School of Ocala is located at 507 SE Broadway Street. It is a K-11th grade school that was founded to provide a “living education” for the children of Marion County. They cultivate an education experience to learning and care for others while interacting with the best literature, the greatest works of art and music, and the majesty of creation.
The school was originally constructed in 1913 and contributed to the Ocala Historic District. When the school moved to a new location in 2019, its historic designation was lost.
On July 20, the Ocala City Council members voted on restoring that designation.
For more information on the school, visit the Ambleside School of Ocala website.