To the Editor:

I see people sending in letters about wanting or not wanting expanded airports, more grocery options, and the like, so I thought it would be appropriate to say that I would love to see an ice skating rink built here. We have three Olympians from Ocala who earned medals for speed skating during this year’s Olympic Winter Games. What an honor. Building a rink in Ocala would be a great tribute to them and a great addition to the community.

I’m sure many young children watched as these incredible skaters from their hometown appeared on the world’s stage during the Olympics, and they dreamed of doing that themselves one day. Building an ice rink in Ocala would benefit the community in so many ways: it’s a great form of exercise, a great way to spend time together out of the blistering summer heat, and it could open doors for many more young Olympic dreamers. Maybe this isn’t the place to send my request to, but I couldn’t find the email to the Parks and Recreation Department.

Shaye Wilson
Ocala resident

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