77.4 F
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Northerners bring attitudes, Floridians don’t use turn signals

To the Editor:

When I first moved here 2007, it was the best driving ever, coming from a major city like Virginia Beach, Virginia. I was glad to have the fresh air. Now, it’s just aggravating. People are coming from up North with their attitudes and their driving habits. Please note, Northerners, people in Florida don’t use their signals. Not like they do up North, which is required in most States. I’ve seen influx of accidents when people have moved from California, Chicago, and God knows where, but they’re here now.

What they do not know is that most people are carrying guns here. Anything deemed assault and Florida residents have the right to stand their ground. I don’t agree in carrying a gun; let police do their jobs. So all you New Yorkers that think you’re going to raise your voice or fist at somebody you don’t know, remember this: He might be packing.

Ran Tony