An Ocala Fire Rescue Captain who is the “driving force” behind a local recovery program that combats the opioid epidemic was recognized for his efforts with the Mayor’s Citizen of the Month award.
During the Ocala City Council meeting held on Tuesday, September 17, OFR Captain Jesse Blaire accepted the award from Ocala Mayor Ben Marciano.
Marciano stated that Ocala Fire Rescue “leads the country in progressive treatment of individuals seeking recovery,” and Captain Blaire “serves as a leader at the local, regional, state, and national level for the forefront of treatment” of this epidemic.
The mayor said that Blaire has spent “countless hours” assisting individuals who are pursuing recovery. He shows “persistent compassion, respect, and patience,” which keeps the person’s dignity intact.
“As someone in recovery, what you do every day and the difference you’re making is amazing, and I’m so grateful for you and who you are in this community,” added Marciano.
Outside of work, Marciano pointed out that Blaire is a family man who enjoys biking and running for long distances. In addition, the mayor mentioned that Blaire’s mission is “to change lives for the better.”
While accepting the award, Blaire said that he is doing so on behalf of Ocala Fire Rescue and the 20 other OFR paramedics who volunteer their time to assist the recovery program.
“Paramedics and firefighters are much more comfortable with people who are either on fire or having a heart attack or something like that,” joked Marciano, eliciting a laugh from multiple people in attendance.
Blaire elaborating by stating that the act of “sitting down and listening” to someone describe the devastating consequences of their drug use is “not really in (a paramedic or firefighter’s) lane, or not something that we’re comfortable with, so the fact that they do it is incredible and they’re making a huge difference.”
Ocala Fire Rescue posted on social media that Blaire’s “tireless efforts and dedication have not only helped save countless lives but also made our community a safer and healthier place. His commitment to fighting this crisis truly exemplifies the spirit of service and compassion that makes Ocala a better place to live.”
Is there someone in the community that you would like to nominate for Citizen of the Month? To submit a nomination, or to read the full criteria, visit the Mayor’s Citizen Recognition Award webpage.