These letters have been written to in reference to the city of Ocala’s decision to spend $300,000 for a drone show for the next two years. All of these letters were submitted for consideration between October 15 and December 18, after published multiple stories on the topic:
“In reference to the article about spending $300,000 for drone shows for 2025 & 2026, if 2024’s 4th of July ‘show’ is any indication of the event, it it a total waste of tax payers money. I watched the show from my phone and also read comments from the many people who attended. I was completely underwhelmed as many people said that also who were there. Tuscawilla Park is a lovely park, but it is not a good place for the drones. The trees blocked most of the show. Also, the food and beverage trucks were a problem with lines so long that it was ridiculous. I understand this needs to be voted on so why not at the very least, have it in a more open area? Why not have it at one of the many open fields around Marion County. Or how about Booster Stadium? Besides the tree issue, I am in complete agreement of the other readers who suggested that this money could be put to better use. There are so many issues that need attending to that the money could be better well spent. Our roads are in terrible shape and infrastructure is so lacking now since our population is exploding and will continue to grow. Teachers and service personnel need better pay. Our homeless population has never been so terrible. I know $300,000 can’t fix all these problems but at least it could help instead of wasting it on drones for 15 to 18 minutes. Have a 4th of July event without the drones! There are other ideas to be had that won’t cost a ridiculous amount” – Sherry Shelton, Ocala
“I agree 100 percent about the drone show being too costly and I believe we should bring back the traditional fireworks. They’ve been going on for a really long time and kids love the fireworks. The drone show is kind of ridiculous, from my point of view, and traditional fireworks represent our independence. Like the last person said, bring back fireworks to God and Country days.” – Michelle Marchant, Ocala
“I have lived a lifetime in beautiful Ocala and do not support the drone show for eighteen minutes of pleasure compared to the cost. What is wrong with the good, old-fashioned fireworks that we all love? And at the taxpayers’ expense without the vote of the people. I agree with Mayor Ben Marciano that we are a ‘hamburger, hot dog, and fireworks’ kind of community. Bring back the fireworks. Thank you” – Pamela Pittman, Ocala
“Forget the $300,000 drone show cost and bring back the much more enjoyable and memorable fireworks displays. The 4th of July is about celebrating the birthday of the United States and the drone shows just don’t bring that to the citizens. Let’s have the noise and excitement of fireworks! Thank you.” – Dennis Clayton, Marion County
“I enjoyed the food, the bands, the drone show and seeing friends in our beautiful Tuscawilla Park. I would like to see the event in a different location that could have handled the parking better. I got there early and parked as close as I could and still had to walk about a mile toting a chair and cooler. Tough job for my 77-year-old body. I had to tell my 89-year-old friend not to come because of the lack of handicapped, close parking spaces. I also had to move around a lot to see the drones without trees obstructing the view. Hopefully, next year it will be better for us older citizens.” – Nancy Ihasz, Ocala
“I loved the drones for a peaceful event for all. However, everyday prior, driving SR 40 or CR 484, I wondered why I could count 15 places (tents) for big bang fireworks. It didn’t make sense to me. I live in a small, one way in, one way out neighborhood. I was appalled with the amount of fireworks in my neighborhood. I was scared, actually, for the safety of cars and the rooves of our homes. That doesn’t even include PTSD from veterans, dogs, and small children. This is not the norm, or is it? It was a terrible experience for me and so many others. Thank God for the rain prior. I was disgusted with the freedom and disregard for everyone lives on this Patriotic 2024 celebration!” – Karen Murray, Ocala