Welcome to Ocala/Marion County, Horse Capital of the World sign at the intersection of State Road 200 and Interstate 75
Welcome to Ocala/Marion County, Horse Capital of the World sign at the intersection of State Road 200 and Interstate 75 Credit: Ocala-News.com Staff Photo

To the Editor:

No doubt, Ocala is overpopulating.

In a few short years, l have seen Ocala go from a sleepy “horse capital of the world,” to the destruction of beautiful horse pastures, to development of apartment complexes.

It is sickening to see Ocala surely losing, in my opinion, the title of “horse capital of the World.”

If this continues, I predict the wealthy horses will go elsewhere.

The politicians in this city should be called to task for letting this happen. I’m planning on moving, yet it is hard to find an area that isn’t already over built or is about to be. It’s getting to be a problem.

William Silinski